Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Should've scaled it

Dude, today throttled me.

Run 400 (6.5mph)
Dynamics: Toes, heels, lunge/twists, butt kickers, toy soldiers, can openers
10 pushups
10 situps
10 dips
10 pullups (assisted w/30# plate)
10 shoulder press with detached lat pulldown bar

The WOD sounded simple enough (to a n00b like me):

For time:
Row 500
150 Double Unders
50 Burpees

Didn't have a jumprope (and I'm sure I can't do DUs well anyway) so I subbed tuck jumps. Holy shit. I was totally gassed after 20 TJs. Got thru the 150 eventually, breaking it up into sets of roughly 20, finishing with a set of 30. The burpees, on the other hand, were a lost cause. Did 3, then yuked and quit. Got home and collapsed on the floor unable to move for about a half hour out of fear of more yuking.

Afterward, I found the link on the xfit website for the Brand X scaling. For "puppies" I should have done this:

For time:
Row 250-500
30 DU
20 Squat thrusts

Now that would have been doable. I'm following their scaled WODs at least for a while. They have 3 main levels (puppies, pack, big dawgs). It shouldn't take too long to get to the pack.

Before bed:
Half Moon
Standing Knee
Sun Saluation

Back feels great. Body feels exhausted.

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